Error in TDL, 'Form:Printed Invoice'

Article by: charles
Last Modified: 2024-10-18 04:06:01

Learn How to fix - Error in TLD: Insufficient Height to Allocate!

Tally is a popular accounting software that has been around for some time . As you use this product, you may encounter the error 'Error in TDL, 'Form:Printed Invoice' . This error occurs when you try to print a receipt. The error my appear as shown below:

Form:Printed Invoice


Solution to Error in TDL, 'Form:Printed Invoice'

Configure print settings and ensure that the Height and Width of the 'Normal Invoice' values are within acceptable range of your receipt printer.

Insufficient Height to Allocate!

If you are not sure of the values, try to consult printer properties and confirm paper size setting. Further, try also to ensure you select a few details to be printed out first, then add more details as you test to ensure everything fits in well.

TDL error:  Check you Display Settings

In addition, please check to ensure that your screen display settings are set to 'smaller' and neither medium or larger:

Display settings - TDL Error

I hope this fixes your problem. If not, leave comments here and you will get some help.

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